Anti-Racism Cohorts

Examining the way racialized identities and experiences impact what we build individually and collectively.

Anti-Racism Cohorts

Michelle’s Anti-Racism Cohorts create a space for adults to do the internal work of activating awareness of their racialized identities, and cultivating anti-racist practices in community with others.

Studies of racial and ethnic identity development use various frameworks and models to understand the developmental process that people undergo, making sense of their identities in a racialized society.

Interested in joining?

Due to current long-term contracts with companies requiring incremental leadership, Michelle has paused hosting anti-racism cohorts. However, there are individual and small-group remote cohorts being launched in 2023. If you are interested in joining a cohort or in receiving more information on remote or in-person cohorts, please share your contact information with us here and we will be sure to reach out once we are again accepting applications for participation in white-identifying or mixed race cohorts. Thank you for your interest!